Thursday, June 19, 2014

Test + Food Shopping = Hand Blisters

  Come along on adventure, as I leave my school (the dark ominous staircase) and go food shopping! I didn't take any pictures while I was there, because well, my hands were full, but I did take pictures of food!!! I actually really enjoy food shopping because I love food. It was a long day but filled with joy and fun!

   I really enjoy the last picture because how it tells a story in a way, through my foot prints. It shows my clumsiness through the squiggly line that the flip flops form and how I stepped one foot out of the flip flops, only to flop down on my stomach, barefoot, onto the floor. Maybe I only see this story because I experienced it, but nonetheless I enjoy the picture. It is so nice to have a full fridge and cupboard. I can already tell it's going to be a good week. Food tells a lot about a person and their character and culture. My "food" story is based on everywhere I've traveled to and my hispanic background (hence jalapeno chips). What's your food story? It's something to think about!

Also: The Things They Carried is a very great book, which I highly recommend if anyone out there is fascinated by the Vietnam War. The Mary Ann story is my favorite within this collection of short stories.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Home is in One's Heart

 Beauty is subjective. You may look at these pictures and see a dingy neighborhood and dirty sidewalks, but I see memories and I see growth. An excellent quote, said by Rainer Maria Rilke, that speaks truth is, “If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself, tell yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches; for to the creator there is no poverty and no poor indifferent place.”



 I always keep that quote with me, especially when I feel dissatisfied or discontent with my life or my home. Am I poet enough? In my opinion we are all poets and artists and creators. Life experience, our past, our present-- each melds together creating our own homes, unique from anyone else's. We have to have pride in where we come from, because it is part of who we are as a whole. This is who I am.