Monday, June 29, 2015

Time Passes; Life Happens

Hello again!

I have not posted anything on this blog for a very very long time. Well, here is what happened:

I applied to college....

I went to some concerts....

I ALMOST failed a class for the first time ever...

I cut my hair....

I won a Shakespeare competition...

I performed in a play....

My hair grew back....

My mom made me get a haircut to even out my hair after cutting it myself...

I turned 18...

I was accepted into college...

I was rejected by MANY colleges...

I cried for a while...

I went to Florida for Spring break...

I made a film inspired by Transcendentalism and Jean-Luc Godard...

I chose a college...

I graduated high school...

...And now it is summer and I'm starting a new phase of my life!
There were many ups and downs to my senior year and I am sorry that I didn't document it as well as I should have through this blog but LUCKILY I have so much life left to live. My goal is to really use this blog for all that it is worth. For my writing, for my passion for blogging and human connection, for my developing political beliefs. Here's to new beginnings! 

Happy New Year!


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