Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Ways in Which I Try to Improve Myself

I think that as human beings, we always strive to be our best selves, to be able to achieve complete and utter contentment with our lives. There is of course no RIGHT way to obtain inner peace because we all have different backgrounds, different flaws, different souls.

The way I personally look at life, my philosophy if you will, is that understanding one's own identity is the most vital component of achieving inner peace and happiness. We have to understand ourselves in order to truly love ourselves. So that is what I try to do. I am constantly on a path to self-discovery and I think that it has led me to some amazing opportunities and even more phenomenal life experiences. 

So here I am going to share what I DO. Now please note, that as I said before, we are complex beings and so what works for me may not work for you! I am eighteen after all....

  • Read: Through literature, I have discovered parts of myself that would have otherwise remained unknown. Words awaken the senses and broadens perspective on life. I think reading is one of the most important things one can do, honestly. As someone that aspires to be a writer in my future, it has also helped me develop role models who I can look up to. Reading is just amazing, amazing!
  • Do things that terrify me: Yes this parallels to the title of my first blog post ever... that's because when I confront my fears I am able to achieve so much more in my life, have so much more fun! I waited years before I started to blog, and now I was able to start another blog without thinking! It teaches a lot of life lessons, I think.
  • Say yes to every opportunity offered... with one catch: it has to revolve around something that I like
  • Go on mini adventures solo. I'm not talking about anything extreme, sometimes I just go to museums or shopping or just little things by myself. I think its important to develop an independence because you're more inclined to be less afraid of new things. Why spend all your time with the same circle of people... leave room for growth! And you can grow so much by learning to love spending quality time with yourself.
  • Make time for friends even when I really want to be introverted and watching netflix alone
  • Watch films: Like literature, it excites the soul.
  • Set goals: When you set goals, no matter the outcome, you develop a motivation to keep moving forward and to make your life meaningful.
  • If I ever feel like my life is unfulfilling? I get a hobby.
Alright hope you enjoyed!

A little news update: I have recently made another blog that is fashion-related if you want to check it out:

My look book account is:

I actually feel kind of weird about it because although I love fashion and showcasing personal style, I'm can't help but feel kind of embarrassed about it because I don't want to seem vain and superficial. So any support is really appreciated!


Saturday, August 1, 2015

Finding a Job is Hard

I'm eighteen and bound for college this fall with one goal that I can't quite fulfill... to make some extra cash!

This summer, instead of piling on the extracurricular activities and internships or study abroad programs like I've done in the past, I chose to leave my whole entire summer completely free and un-booked. 

I'll admit I partially did this because of how exhausted I had become of trying to impress colleges with fancy shmancy summer programs (when it ultimately resulted in major heartbreak from the colleges I most pined for) but I also did this so I could have a decent amount of money in my savings account before college. My job has searched hasn't exactly gone as planned.
I started applying for basic jobs, such as at a retail store, around May and gave up around mid-July. My resume is pretty impressive as far as internships go (by impressive, I mean for a high school student), but while it may have impressed a college admissions panel or two, I don't have any actual work experience. Yes, I've had internships revolved around careers I'm considering pursuing after college, but I've never had those typical jobs like as a sales associate, cashier, or waitress. 

I was frustrated at first that I couldn't manage to get any employer to hire me but alas I have not lost hope. Neither should you if you're on the same boat! Even though a job in retail might seem so minuscule, it really intimidated me at first. I remember pacing frantically in front of an American Apparel with a "We're Hiring!" sign before finally stepping into the store to give my resume and embarrass myself by blabbering about how I am 18 and therefore legally capable of working there. 
Even through my rejections I've learned so much about entering the work force-- all of which is valuable knowledge! Even though I may have failed this summer at getting a job, I feel more prepared on what to expect and have already starting planning where I'll apply next year! 

Thanks for listening!